Here you will find a few examples of nutrition diagnostic testing used in my practice


The LEAP Program (Lifestyle, Eating and Performance) is a strategic method of dealing with the dietary components of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), migraines, fibromyalgia, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, vomiting, chronic sinusitis and other symptoms caused by delayed food sensitivities.

• Scientifically identifies your food triggers

• Results are used to develop a personalized protocol based on years of research and development by Oxford Biomedical Technologies

• Guides the elimination and re-introduction of trigger foods without guessing for efficient and effective resolution of symptoms

Vibrant America Wheat Zoomer

• Identifies genetics associated with celiac disease to determine your risk

• Provides a thorough assessment of intestinal barrier stability (identifies leaky gut)

• Is the most comprehensive and sensitive assessment of gluten and wheat sensitivity 

Diagnostic Solutions GI MAP

• Assesses microbiome to guide your nutrition therapy and supplement protocol

• Determines the root cause of many GI symptoms 

• Provides a road map to balancing your gut flora to improve immunity, eliminate symptoms, and balance the connection between gut and brain 

Organic acids testing

Organic acids testing can aid in the detection of imbalances, toxicity, and inflammation in chronically or acutely ill patients with complex illnesses

The panel includes 11 subpanels and provides accurate evaluation of intestinal microbial overgrowth, detoxification, mitochondrial markers, neurotransmitter metabolism, glutathione status, fatty acid metabolism, and inborn errors of metabolism


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